The First C.L.I.C. Discussion Event: Safe Round Table

Last February 14th, for Love day, about 15 students gathered to discuss and have a conversation about why they left their past lives. While most students spoke about their departure from their home country, the conversation went on several topics surrounding each student's sharing. It was an opportunity for everyone to share parts of their stories and experiences, and at the same time a chance to hear about others, and perhaps, learn new vocabulary. 

Moreover, we had some refreshments such as teas, herbal teas and juices and some great home made cookies (by Alizée) to nibble on while actively listening to others.

Do not worry if you've missed it, there will be more. Subscribe to the BLOG to stay tuned and know about our upcoming events.

The C.L.I.C. wishes to thank all who participated to this small event. Hope to see you next time.


  1. All of the sharing were meaningful and thought-provoking.


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